
Star Knightess Aura [v0.48.0] By aura-dev

aura-dev Games released a new game called Star Knightess Aura and the version is 0.48.0. The game’s story is about following Aura’s adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the conventional plotline of a “summoned to another world”-story quickly turns into her worst nightmare. Cursed by the Demon King, Aura must now struggle every night to track down her nemesis and ultimately strike him down.

But her enemies don’t just lurk in Roya. Having entered her mind through the Demon King’s curse, another enemy attempts to brainwash and corrupt Aura from the inside. Faced with a two-pronged attack against her body and mind, can Aura finish off her worst enemy without losing herself?

Star Knightess Aura is an RPG with NSFW erotic content, made with RPG Maker MZ. The game features themes of corruption, brainwashing, mental changes, possession, mind control, and NTR. All characters are 18+.​

Developer: aura-dev
File Size: 515 MB
Version: 0.48.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:

Changelog 0.48.0 (25.10.2024)

  • Added Veronica and George 8 Part 2 H-CGs
  • Addded map Richard Domain 4 Envy
  • Iterated Clockwork Forest Eastern Area
  • Iterated Clockwork Forest west
  • Judgement of Pride: Implemented Sixth Judgement
  • Added boss Lucifer
  • Added boss Thunder Golem
  • Added skill Seductive Dance I
  • Added skill Seductive Dance II
  • Added skill Seductive Dance III
  • Added skill Seductive Command I
  • Added skill Seductive Command II
  • Added skill Seductive Command III
  • Added lewd book “Skillbook: Seductive Command I”
  • Added lewd book “Skillbook: Seductive Command II”
  • Added Slash III to John at level 14
  • Added option to learn Seductive Dance I at Maid Academy
  • Added option to learn Seductive Dance II at Maid Academy
  • Gave Paulina Seductive Dance I at Maid Score 70 and Seductive Dance II at Maid Score 90, moving Seductive Stance II to 80
  • Added material Power Core
  • Gave Ether Golem Security Chip, Power Core and Etherplating drops
  • Added emerald tea reward to Money Domain refugee if player paid debts of the other two competitors
  • Nothing but the truth: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
  • Judgement of Pride: Implemented objective quest hand-in
  • Poisoned Elixirs: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
  • Rampaging Golem: Updated quest in case Roland dies before the quest becomes or is active
  • Luck is also a Skill: Updated Quest with variations for Roland death
  • Gave one of the fishers in Nephlune an npc routine
  • Expanded Order of the Knights Prison
  • Added Order of the Knights Vice Chest
  • Implemented credits plugin
  • Added Goblin Shaman Compendium Unlock by Albrecht
  • Added compendium partial info unlock for Mutated Hydrangea and Mature Spiders
  • Added nobleman wandering NPC to Verdeaux
  • Implemented mental changes for Chapter 3 Lewd Skill Shrine
  • Implemented Entertainment Den Slavery section
  • Added wandering NPCs with complex routines to Verdeaux
  • Added post-reverse summoning ritual variation for Verdeaux nobleman
  • Added custom pixel art for Dark Star Knightess TV/SV/TVD
  • Added custom pixel art chars for Ogre King and Mature Spider Queen
  • Added improved key unlocking pixel art for doors needing keys and remove no longer necessary door keys
  • Added improved key unlocking visual for chests
  • Refactored enemy Shadowcloak to be gained on combat start like the player instead of Turn 0
  • Refactored hard-coded Rune usage logic to generic tag-based logic
  • Improved performance of Event Shift plugin
  • Improved performance of artifact plugin
  • Improved performance Turn Count Lables
  • Improved performance by CAE_MapEvents plugin by adding flags to deactivate unused features
  • Increased max killed bosses to 121


  • Updated Seductive Stance III to affect both enemies and allies
  • Added Heartbreak state giving CHARM resist and being gained upon CHARM removal until end of battle
  • Reduced learning requirements Overcharge I to 30 ATK, 120 MP, Overcharge II to 50 ATK 200 MP, Thunderbolt II 60 MATK, 125 MP, Thunderbolt III 80 MATK, 250 MP
  • Reduced HP cost progression on Assassinate II and III
  • Slay the Demon: Raised number of free starter perks in Slay the Demon from 1 to 3
  • Slay the Demon: Decreased Class Point cost per Skill from 5 to 4
  • Increased Bomb damage increase from Bomb Proficiency I/II to 50%/100% #6688


  • Fixed typos
  • Fixed remains of soldiers after Roland battle in Goddess Domain blocking path
  • Fixed Luck Rate affecting probability of 100% State Application Effects on Normal Attacks
  • Rampaging Golem: Fixed Tell Truth option looping
  • Rampaging Golem: Fix mixups in state variables for end choices
  • Fixed phantom Fleura and repeated choice after she wins corruption mission duel
  • Fixed Fire Mage in Pasciel causing crash
  • Fixed weather fog not resetting on load
  • Fixed incorrect Magic Academy book variable post-reverse summoning ritual
  • Fixed graphical glitch on mental day end in identity room unlock
  • Fixed secret door in Laval mansion overlapping fireplace
  • Fixed Reading Proficiency not affecting Tales of the Artificer
  • Fixed A Child Needed not always giving Shadow support
  • Fixed softlock case in Twin Adventurers corruption mission
  • Fixed merchant not appearing in underground city when teleporting into it
  • Fixed Demon-cracy flow issues when adult content is set to OFF
  • Fixed Elizabeth boyfriend H-scene showing with adult content set to OFF
  • Fixed apple merchant only restocking 1 apple a day on story difficulty
  • Fixed Desmond incorrectly saying player defeated forest bandit leader even when they did not
  • Fixed nonexistent objective trying to close in Something Is Fishy if Roland is dead
  • Fixed Eyes of Greed not applying to pure recruitment option on Demon-cracy merchant
  • Fixed vice choice in Poison Swamp still being offered before vice is unlocked
  • Fixed missing system messages when enhancing Unicorn Horn
  • Fixed Shadow investment option not increasing vice or corruption
  • Fixed shadow mismatch on rock in Winterfall
  • Fixed patrol desync in Clockwork Forest hidden cave

Developer Notes:

Each ingame day is structured into 3 parts.

The player controls Aura and can explore the world of Roya to track down and kill the Demon King. In order to become stronger, acquire funds, and advance her search, she can rely on her own powers or ask people for help. However, not everybody means well with Aura. Performing lewd acts and compromising on Aura’s ideals by allowing innocents to suffer causes Aura to gain corruption.

The player controls Alicia, who uses Aura’s corruption to change her psyche. This includes changing her interests, increasing her interest in fashion, changing her appearance (including hair style/color changes), changing her values (making Aura more selfish), and ultimately changing her sexual desire and love interests.

The player watches cutscenes displaying Aura’s real self changing over time due to mental corruption. The cutscenes are told from varying character perspectives (Aura, her best friend Rose, her boyfriend George, and so on).

You have RPGM MZ and think some objects could use some flavor texts? Or maybe existing dialogue could use some more reactivity to the mental changes? It’s possible to contribute to the project using

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