
Scholarship Corruption [v0.1a] By SBGames

SB Games released a new game called Scholarship Corruption and the version is 0.1a. The game’s story is about entering as the principal of a school in a war-torn city, where insecurity and lack of opportunity are the norms. You will have all the power and control, the students fear and respect you in equal parts. When one of the top students, Iryna, approaches you for help in getting a scholarship, you find an opportunity to take advantage of her need. As the school year progresses, you lead Iryna into a spiral of corruption and depravity, manipulating her into doing increasingly immoral favors. Gradually make Iryna loses her moral values as you satisfy your sick desires at the expense of a young student’s innocence. Can you corrupt her enough?​

Developer: SB
File Size: 53.42 MB
Version: 0.1a
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:

Initial Release

Developer Notes:

Hi guys! I am a passionate psychologist who intends to create a unique and exciting erotic game. With a solid understanding of human behavior, I will a create a gaming experience that combines sensuality and eroticism with the exploration of the emotional and psychological complexities of the characters. My games will not only allow you to immerse yourself in fascinating erotic worlds, but will also lead you to reflect on the complex emotions that drive the characters and cause them to act in certain ways.

Game Images & Screenshots


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