
My Time with You [Offscreen Chapters] By EoloStudios

EoloStudios Games released a new game called My Time with You and the version is Offscreen Chapters. The game’s story is about A childhood love who has returned after years of waiting for her, rekindling your hopes of being with her. But another woman who claims to be your ‘wife’ from the future has come to save you from an unknown ‘horror?’ that lies ahead. Together with her, you will rewrite your future for the better(or not), through the choices you make. You’ll meet a colorful cast of characters that will help you reshape your life as you influence theirs with the choices “you” will make and hopefully not get your balls bashed in, trying to nail them all. (except Dice, cause NO)

Developer: EoloStudios
File Size: 6.51 GB
Version: Offscreen Chapters
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:

Offscreen Chapters

Hikari, Yukine, Kanehana, Akemi, and Iroha’s Offchapters

Public only post, no news here for paying supporters. It came to me that “OVA” stands for Original Video Animation, we do have video animations, but we really can’t classify the offchapters as such. I guess our brain defined the bonus/extra chapters as OVAs since that’s what they are usually called. So now I will call this “Offchapters” since it’s away from the by-chapter storytelling, or “Offscreen” since it’s events that happen… you know, off-screen.

Technical Update

432 renders, 34 animations – Yeah it’s a rather small update although I have stated that this is more like the extra content which we can’t accommodate in the main chapters for it breaks pacing and cohesion. This offchapter is currently separate and/or a stand-alone release, and you can see it by the file size. It will be integrated into the public version of Chapter 25 upon release. It feels so good to work with a smaller file size in the meantime. The main menu music may not match the main menu wallpaper due to the reasons above, I just wanted to let you guys hear the music for Book 4’s Main Menu, I had it since more than a year ago.

Chapter Update

It’s a little short, around 20-30 minutes for all of them. Apologies to FMC, PinkYumi, and Chitose fans, they will not have an Offchapter in Book 2. It’s too soon for them. These offchapters don’t have by-chapter locks on them and we assume that you have played the latest update since to implement those, you will be forced to replay the chapters they are connected with, so we took a pass on that. You may play the offchapters in any order, but here’s a suggested play order, it’s chronological: 1. Iroha 2. Hikari 3. Yukine 4. Kanehana 5. Akemi Choices don’t matter much, or at least it only influences the offchapter, it’s more on communicating with the cast. Your Italian might be tested a little.

Dev Comment/Rant/Plans

This below needs to be taken as if it’s still Dec. 12

I have fully left my job, got my holiday bonus, and then packed it. I moved back to my old room for now to lessen expenses and will be looking for options at least, but I don’t expect to have anything til at least March. I’ve already set up a roadmap for the first half of Book 3, so fingers crossed. Now it’s up to me to make Chapter 25 in record time(spoiler it is record time), without devaluating anything due to haste, of course. I’ve written most of it already, Chapter 25 is a culmination of the recent chapters, after all so I’ll be able to start with renders in less than a week. I think I have said all that I needed to, thank you! Happy Holidays!

Book 2: Chapter 22

A few changes between this and the previous version:

  • Added gallery.
  • Added a screen at the end with Miho to redirect users to our pages.
  • Added Manic_umbra to the wall of fame. Thank you.
  • A few edits here and there on the dialogue
  • That’s about it, there’s not much to address in this post towards the exclusive supporters since I just did that a couple of days ago.

Chapter 21 – The One Who Loves You The Most
New render count – 1360ish
New animation count – 5

Let’s start off by saying I absolutely tried to finish within the weekend and/or
the designated date, but it was actually impossible, doy~ That was me pouring every hour I could into the development. For Friday and Saturday, I went from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. on MTWY. I have the raws from rendering to prove that, since they have timestamps on when they were created, so if you want to see them. *Wink*

Let me say first that, this chapter is not done; everything is in there, yes, nothing is lacking, but it needs some cleaning up and other sound effects that EO and I weren’t able to agree on. I do believe this is more than enough for the first version of this chapter. We will follow up with the more polished version along with the Android build in a day or two, it’s around 6 a.m. here, so EO is already dead, and he handles that.

If you’re leaning toward the fanservice in our game, sadly, there’s none in this chapter, a little heads up to those peeps now. It’s too story-driven, not many choices in it either, but more of a culmination of the choices that were made during the previous chapters; so no walkthrough is required, but I will still update that as soon as I can. Also, there are parts that I believe have questionable transitions or are at least somewhat unnecessary because this chapter needs you to have a decent memory of the game’s events. Considering you are all paying supporters, I assume you know the game to at least a good extent. But I want to hear your feedback on those parts, don’t worry, you’ll notice them. Feel free to chat with me on Discord. And that’s the part that most needs cleaning up.

Also, a little question, the progress report from April 19 has 513 views, and I have 70–80 patrons; any idea how that works, or do I have to believe each of you viewed it 7-8 times?

Well, that’s it for now, you may find a huge edit at the bottom later on. Off to the download links and goodnight. The update should’ve been up a few hours earlier, but the game’s engine decided to wait for the sunrise and screw with me, so good morning instead.

Book 2: Chapter 18

  • Chapter 18 Storyline
  • 1300 renders and 11 animations

Developer Notes:

DO NOT LOAD SAVE FILES FROM BOOK 1! You don’t need to load anything just clear book 1 and press start on book 2.

Game Images & Screenshots

Book 2

Book 1 Remastered

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