
Corrupted Kingdoms [v0.20.5] By ArcGames

ArcGames Games released a new game called Corrupted Kingdoms and the version is 0.20.5. The game’s story is about You are the hero – or possibly villain – of this tale, originally on a journey to discover why your family was driven out of your home town, but quickly thrust into events beyond anything you could ever have imagined. As tensions rise between the humans and the mythical creatures that lurk just outside of sight, will you stand as a beacon of hope… or use your newfound power to bring the world under your control?​

Developer: ArcGames
File Size: 1.49 GB
Version: 0.20.5
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Veronica & Madison: The return of Veronica and Madison! Conquer the college and make Hazel loyal (or get rid of her) to enter!
  • The Bridge: You can now (attempt to) cross the bridge, once you’ve conquered it, to attack the east side of town!
  • Shopkeep: New character appears! The Shopkeep. Allows you to buy upgrades for your dice (and more later on)!
  • Elixirs: You can now gather Ichor Elixirs (Eldritch Currency) from the Bridge after completing the event above!
  • War Room: Improved the “Ask Jessica for help” section, and added “How do I Shatter my opponent?” to the list of questions
  • War Room: Improved the “Ask Jessica for help” section, and added “How do I Shatter my opponent?” to the list of questions
  • Map: Mansion and Apartment locations are now unlocked for everyone in Act Three, even if you didn’t find them in Act Two!
  • Map: If you’ve completed the combat tutorial, you can now explore the town at night!
  • Combat: You can now increase your dice to D8’s (maximum roll of 8)!
  • Combat: New Power available! You can now use HIDDEN VOICES in combat for a one-turn SCOUT effect!
  • Veronica: Veronica now has a paperdoll!
  • Madison: Madison now has a paperdoll!
  • Bug: Hid “Troop Count” on the stats page until players have completed the combat tutorial
  • Bug: The new combat system accidentally blocked progress with Emma. You can now continue to unearth the mystery surrounding her fear!
  • Bug: The engine upgrade broke a couple girls’ pregnancies. Now the only thing stopping you from having kids is your crippling social anxiety!
  • Bug: The Lily’s Bar event in Act Three wasn’t firing for people – now it will trigger correctly (Lily got drunk and fell asleep on an important button)!
  • Bug: A few text overflow issues dealt with
  • Bug: Wheeled Gwen back an inch so she wasn’t overlapping her own name and dialogue any more
  • Bug: When fighting Goons, if you put a dice into ATTACK and then removed it, it would unlock SEDUCE which would then crash. Now SEDUCE remains greyed-out no matter what. Sorry, boy-love fans!
  • Bug: Shattering a girl, then selecting “release”, then changing your mind, was crashing the game. Now you can be as weirdly indecisive as you like!
  • Bug: MC will no longer claim the college is his when he doesn’t, in fact, own it during the fight with Hazel
  • Bug: Goon Tactics weren’t turning off after combat ends, allowing people to sneak the abilities into practice fights. Now MC is forced to play fair. Booo!
  • Bug: SSsoem Typpoes Fixxedh…


  • BATTLE SYSTEM REWORK: A complete overhaul of the Battle System! There’s WAY Too many changes to list here, but here are just a few highlights:
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: Brand-new combat mechanics and renders
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: No more districts! Conquer locations directly to unlock their events!
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: The Organisation will now try to take back vulnerable locations you’ve conquered!
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: Boss Girls all have a unique naughty event!
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: Hana will now prepare “Meals” – permanent effects that change certain aspects of the combat system!
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: Dungeon and Rehab removed while I rework their concepts
  • BATTLE SYSTEM: Just… so much more!
  • UPGRADE: The cutscene issue on Android has been fixed, so this update upgrades the game engine once again! If you’ve been having trouble getting the game to run on your Android device, this should fix the problem!
  • Cafe: Added a line to remind people to talk to the Chief in Act Two if they try to use the Lvl 2 Passcard too quickly
  • Stats: The stats were misaligned with the hint overlay. Now it actually makes sense!
  • Stats: Added “TROOPS” counter to the stats page
  • Bug: Fixed some dialogue lines in the Rehab that were displaying underneath the paperdolls
  • Bug: Fixed some more text overflow issues. That should be it for the overflow problems!
  • Bug: Fixed an “I should increase my authority” dialogue line when you were already maxed out
  • Bug: Fixed an “I should be able to teach private classes now!” line when you already had that ability
  • Bug: As Typo Hero enfolds the Dread Arc in a hug there is a sudden burst of static… the world stretches… groans… and snaps!


  • Viola: The new community-created character is finally revealed! Viola Zann! Just head to Lily’s bar after the events of 0.19.3 to meet her!
  • Viola: After meeting Viola, you can talk to her in the bar and learn a little more about her
  • UI: HUGE User Interface refurbishment! Because of the discrepancy between the early game and late game renders, the cutscene bars were causing ugly issues when overlayed by textboxes. Because of this, I have decided to shrink down the new textboxes to better fit the old bars. Along with this change is the following:
  • UI: Character titles have been temporarily removed! I have a better idea of how to incorporate them in a more attractive and less forceful way, but I need to polish it a bit, so for now they’re hidden
  • UI: Prefix “think” and “speech” images are now attached to the start of each dialogue line, so they follow the text rather than occupying a fixed position!
  • UI: When no paperdoll (side image) is on the screen, dialogue text will expand to fill the textbox – no more bunching up to the right!
  • Misc: Removed the “are you sure you want to…” confirmation when you cancel power or lead usage. Too many clicks!
  • Bug: It was possible to try to confront Lily in the evening, resulting in an image error. Now you are forced to let her sleep, you meanies
  • Bug: Added a line of code to prevent Jessica from popping up in scenes she isn’t supposed to be in. She’s just so worried about you!
  • Bug: Some of the navigation icons had artifacting, and not the fun green girl kind!
  • Bug: Telling Chloe to go to her room for naughty fun with her assassin form kept you in the war room. Now you will move correctly!
  • Bug: The Goons were overlapping the text in the train and roadblock maps. They’ve been told to shuffle a little more to the left
  • Bug: The Dread Arc rises from his seat and his form grows to fill the chamber, the shadows themselves seeming to reach out and trail around his gargantuan form, lit only by the flickering light of a single computer screen. Silently, Typo Hero steps forward and raises his sword…

Game Images & Screenshots


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