
The King of Milfs [v1.0.0.00] By VC Productions Games released a new game called The King of Milfs and the version is The game’s story is about After recovering from a near-fatal drug overdose, a young man is given a second chance to change his life for the better. An orphan after a car crash, the main character is taken in by a close friend, Reina. At the age of 18, her husband Ethan kicks the main character after discovering weed in his bedroom. For the next 7 years, the main character fell into deep depression and hard drugs; a near fatal overdose lands him in the hospital where Reina finds him. Ethan agrees to give the main character one last chance to improve his life for the better, but when the main character leaves rehab he realizes he isn’t the only one who needs a second chance in life.​

File Size: 2.05 GB
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Over a month ago, I announced that The King of MILFs would be on hiatus. At the time I didn’t feel as though I had enough time to get a working build. Turns out I did.
  • So here it is. Version It isn’t perfect-I tried to get all of the big game-breaking bugs out. But it is there.
  • I also changed the payment to donate-only.
  • As for now, I’m taking a long break from anything game or NSFW-related as I get my life straightened out.
  • Thank you all for being there for me. -Coco


Chapter 4 of “The King of Milfs” is here!
The story picks up after right after the events of Chapter 3. We get a look inside of Reina’s and Jenni’s thoughts as they come to terms with their actions. Penny’s wishes are granted and Briana makes her fighting debut- two months ahead of schedule!

  • 2 new videos (with audio) added
  • Nonstop mode fixed in Optional Patch


  • Chapter 3 of The King of MILFs is here!
  • Shorter than the previous chapters,
  • Chapter 3’s main story focuses on Reina and her decision to divorce her husband.
  • Chapter 3 Side Stories will be released later, which will focus on a character introduced in Chapter 2
  • (Camilla’s chapter and the Town Hall Meeting Epilogue), Councilwoman Miyuki Hayashibara.

Developer Notes:

NTR: This is Netori. You-the player-will be doing all of the fucking and stealing. You will NOT see any other guy have sex with other characters. Heck, you won’t even see girl/girl scenes. There is no sharing. No LI will be stolen from you. It’s just you and the LIs you decide to pursue. On the other hand, if a LI doesn’t get any attention, they will react accordingly. They will have lives- they just don’t be in yours anymore.

Story/Sandbox: This isn’t the old-school “click here at x time to meet so-and-so place” Sandbox. Rather, it’s a random-event generator. Two LIs might meet each other at a restaurant or bar and a funny scene might take place. The Location Mode serves a world-building tool (because I’m a world-building addict, it’s true) and isn’t a priority over Story Mode. Story Mode will always take priority over Location Mode.

MC’s drug abuse/overdose: Right before the game starts, the MC has a drink spiked with a derivative of Rohypnol-it’s a more potent, lethal form that can lead to the person being unconscious for days if there are other substances in the system. There were other substances in MC’s system.

Primary Cast of Characters:

Main Character- At the age of 9, the protagonist’s parents were killed in a car crash. After hopping from orphanage to orphanage, he was finally adopted by Reina, a close friend of his parents. However, the main character was kicked out of Reina’s home at 18 due to discovery of drugs in his room. For 5 years, the main character drifted from city to city getting his next high until he landed in the hospital in a near-fatal overdose. He has been given a second chance to improve his life- and that of others.

Game Images & Screenshots


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